HOME CHRONICLES: Another Awesome Kohl's Haul I saved $123.16

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Another Awesome Kohl's Haul I saved $123.16

I am so excited to share this deal with you guys! I have the pleasure to be apart of the Kohl's Yes2You Rewards Preview Group on Facebook. You guys should check out their page! I was given $10 of Kohl's Cash money, yippee! I love when I find great deals on top of the money they already gave me. So, I literally just made this purchase and I just have to tell you about it right away!

Before I start in I want to say that I haven't bought clothes for myself in awhile. So, this week (10 days actually) my hubby went to Colorado to have a face to face time with his cohort for his masters degree. By the way, I am so excited for him to get his masters degree and I am so proud of him! My dad is actually a professor for the masters degree so he had to go out to Colorado as-well, for a couple days. My little sister and mom decided that a trip to Colorado sounded pretty good so they went for a couple days with my dad. However, the woman and children have been "banned" from appearing at the face-to-face time because they can be distracting. Even though it stinks that I can't go with him, I completely understand and I want him to be able to focus on his studies. I stayed behind here in Haviland to watch all of our puppies (3 total) and I got to have a great time with Amelia cuddling and watching  tv most of the time.

I am so thankful for my friend Crystal and her sweet baby girl Olivia for hanging out with us so much this past week to make sure we weren't lonely. It ended up being a great bonding time with her and her sweet baby, it also ended up turning out as a little shopping spree. We went to a couple thrift shops where I found a tunic shirt from Gap, and a set of candle holders that I plan on doing a DIY with. Then we went to Alco because they are going out of business and their clothes were on an amazing deal. So, there I bought two pairs of palazzo pants (my favorite), a couple shirts, a pair of leggings, and a cardigan all for under $20.00! If you shop you know that is a really good deal. That is basically going to be my summer wardrobe. Clothes wise that is the only thing I have spend on myself in a very long while. I don't get to the city very much. I live in a really small town (population 600ish). I am from Scottsdale, AZ where there are some of the best malls, and an area definitely well known for their high fashion. But, I really don't mind the simplicity that I find in Haviland, I actually enjoy it.

Without further ado here is the deal I just used to save about $123.16 at Kohl's. This is a great deal whether or not you have a $10 Kohl's Cash code.

You can get 15% off using the code LUVDEAL
And you can get $10 off of $30 worth of Juniors apparel and accessories using the code VACAYREADY

I got both of these deals off of Retailmenot.com.

I highly recommend checking for coupon codes before you make your purchase wherever you are shopping at.

I almost saved $12 from using the VACAYREADY code
And I saved $1.56 from the LUVDEAL code (every dollar counts)

I bought three dresses.
Originally $44.00 on sale for $8.80
Purchased for $5.90
Originally $40 on sale for $12
Purchased for $8.05
Originally $48 on sale for $9.60
Purchased for $6.45
-$1.56 for LUVDEAL
-$10 Kohl's Cash
I paid $15.85
And I saved $123.16
I am excited to get to wear these clothes when we go on a vacation to Branson with our friends Crystal and Dairen and their sweet baby girl Olivia. I am so glad that I decided to spend a little bit of money on myself, it was a long time waiting. Now I am ready for spring to get here so I can wear these!
However, today I just woke up and there is more snow on the ground so I might just have to make some homemade hot chocolate for my hubby who is finally home! : )
I hope you lovely ladies stay warm!
If you have found some amazing deals lately I would love to hear them!? 

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