HOME CHRONICLES: Beauty Thursday: Deodorant, The Struggle is Real!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Beauty Thursday: Deodorant, The Struggle is Real!

Why is searching for the perfect deodorant for me so challenging!? The struggle is real!

I used to use Mitchum the shower fresh scent but then when O got pregnant I switched to another deodorant and in the  meantime Mitchum got discontinued and I can't find it anywhere! 

So I tried a brand in cucumber melon scent. unfortunately, I can't remember which brand it was and I loved it! I thought it was from Dove, but I bought the Dove one and I do.not.like.it! 

So I started the search over. 

I landed on Degree's Sheer Lilac scent. The challenge is over because I.love.it! It is the perfect combination between having scent that matches with my natural scent and being undetectable during the day. I do not like to smell my deodorant whether it smells good or bad. 

So if you are on the search for a new deodorant I recommend Degree's Sheer Lilac! 

*I was not paid or compensated for this post in any way. I just really like this deodorant and am happy to have found the perfect one for me!

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