HOME CHRONICLES: The Brick House Before Pictures

Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Brick House Before Pictures

I thought about how I would start this blog so many times. Do I say yay we finally got a house here in Booker that we are working so hard to get it renovated so it will be our home. Do I say I am so thankful for all of the help and support my little family has been given through this whole situation. Do I say, dreams do come true! Because I am living my lifelong dream right now. Do I say how very thankful I am to serve a God that loves me so much and knows the desires of my heart, and has given me the desires of my heart right this very moment! So, I guess I have said them all now, and I am happy with this beginning.
On the 7th of March, 2016 we finally got the keys to our new home. We bought this home sight unseen. We had talked to quite a few people that have been inside of the house and that helped a little bit, but there were also some not so great things we heard. For example, the attic has been built into a finished room with a half bath included (great news!), however, the “stairs” to get to the refinished attic is pull down attic stairs (yikes! Not great news!). But, we decided to take the plunge and buy it anyways. This house was in foreclosure and thankfully there was nobody at the court house to bid against us. So we got the house by bidding $1 more than the bank did. Yay! Buying the house was the easy part, giving the people who were living in the house time to get all of their stuff out was the hard part because we were ready to get in there and actually see what we bought! And we were ready to start demolition day 1! So we actually bought the house at the auction about a month earlier then the 7th, it was pure torture. Thankfully the people who were living in the house were great people, super nice, and made the situation way better then it could have been. You know you hear about foreclosure horror stories. So we gave them cash for keys when they got out if they had all of their stuff out of the house and didn’t damage anything. But once we met them we weren’t worried about them doing anything to the house.
Anyways, back to March 7th. We started demo day 1 the very next morning. Before I share with you guys what demo day 1 looked like, I think I need to start with quite a few before pictures of The Brick House. Here's what we are working with. 

Amelia's Bedroom (aka rainbow land)

The Bathroom

The Fireplace

The Master Bedroom

The Kitchen

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